Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Oh Baby!

The last week had been pretty uneventful. After forecasted temperatures in the high 50's and low 60's, we ended up with highs in the low 40's. As a result, I went to work, went to the gym and went home and watched movies. Then, on Sunday night, we went to one of our clients' son's Bar Mitzvahs. It was a big affair - it is treated almost like a wedding. There was more food than an army could eat, a band & emcee & 3 person dance team and two singers for entertainment. I lot of dancing and celebrating and we had a really good time. Then, the next morning, Brooke's niece Chantel had a C section and gave birth to her 6 lb 9 oz baby boy. Brooke and I are going to drive out to NY tomorrow to visit.


Anonymous said...

Good job son! :) Keep on blogging.
I Love You,

Anonymous said...

Knock knock....who was at my door? Can you guess? Do you know?
