Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April Fools

Well, April 1 has come and gone. Luckily, nobody tried to pull any tricks on me. I had been spending the past two days getting ready for a meeting with my accountant yesterday. It is always a tense time for me because even though I have "X" number of dollars in savings, I never really know where I will stand after I pay taxes. Also, since my income fluctuates so much month to month and even year to year, I have found it challenging to set up any kind of a budget.

Sales have been down a bit but it is our slowest time of the year. I am hoping that by the time summer rolls around, the housing market, stock market, and economy in general will be doing better. I have several buyers who want to buy a home but are waiting until the "market" settles down. It made me cringe to read in the news today that the Fed chief stated that "a recession is possible." That will make almost anyone tighten their purse strings.

That being said, I must remember the rules of "The Secret" and think poisitively. For every day that passes without a sale, I am one day closer to a sale!...right?!

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