Friday, April 11, 2008

Hey everyone- it's Brooke- I figured I'd give this a try (Plus, I'm trying to learn how to upload videos from youtube and I want to see if it works)...Justin and I have been quite busy over the last few days. We drove out to Long Island, NY on the 9th to visit my new nephew in the hospital and he is absolutely adorable!! He reminds me of a little turtle! Things are progressing well with him, they still have to do a muscle biopsy on him today, but if everything comes back normal then Chantel and Dan should be able to take him home on Monday. I'm like a crazy aunt right now...I just can't take enough pictures and give him kisses on his little're also getting ready for our cruise that's coming up in two weeks- that means working out at the gym like a mad man (gotta get abs of steel) and shopping (woohoo). We're both really excited and looking forward to getting away and can't wait to relive how we first met in Cozumel, Mexico (almost 5 years to the day)! We have shore excursions planned that include swimming with dolphins, a lazy river tube ride that flows through caves, ziplining, hiking through the jungle and tanning on the beach (of course)... ;) All I have to say is, "Bring it on!"On the upside, the weather is finally starting to turn- it hit 70 yesterday! I know, I know...that's nothing to you- but that's desert to us :) Spring is here- YAY!! Well, that's all the time I have right now...I love you all! XOXOXO!

1 comment:

Jacob, Carolyn, and Wes said...

Congratulations!!! You are such a proud auntie! He's beautiful! Can't wait to see more pictures of him :)

Have a great time on your cruise guys! xoxo