Sunday, March 30, 2008

Marching into April

Hey all, sorry for my absence on our blog. With work being mellow and my head back on straight, I thought I would try to pick up where I left off - hopefully with a bit more consistency. I have been back from CA for about a week now. I had a great time visiting family and friends. The trip went by way too fast, but it really perked up my mood (winter blues) and I can handle whatever cold weather we have left until Spring.

As I type this, it is 24 degrees outside yet there are no clouds in the sky and it is very sunny. It feels like the seasons are a-changin'. On Tuesday we have a high of 62!!! I never thought I would get excited over temperatures like that, but this California boy will take what he can get! Too bad I can't shoot down to DC for a day or two - they are having their cherry blossom festival right now and the online pictures look spectacular. At least I got to see some of them while in CA...

Sausalito, CA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.