Saturday, April 19, 2008

RIP - Edward Poznak aka "Pop-Pop"

I apologize for the lack of posting. Things have gotten hectic around here over the past 2 weeks. Brooke's mom, Carolyn, who I also work with, has been out of the office for a while caring for a few sick family members - one of which was her father. Unfortunately, he passed away a few nights ago. Carolyn was by his side when he left our world. He was 93 years old!

Everyone, including me, referred to him as "pop-pop." He was always smiling, got around very well for his age and loved making other people smile with him. He worked as an appliance repairman and lived in Staten Island, NY in the house he built around 50 years ago. He had a vacation home here in Lake Naomi which is now the home Carolyn lives in.

Below is his newspaper obituary which I thought was well-written and appropriately summarized a great man:

Thursday, April 17, 2008
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Edward J. Poznak, a native Staten Islander and longtime mechanic and aviator who was surprised by Cupid at age 84, died Tuesday in Staten Island University Hospital, Prince's Bay, following a brief illness. His age was 93.
Mr. Poznak grew up in Mariners Harbor, where he developed his love of flying as a boy, his family said. He would cross the Kill van Kull on a raft and spend all day watching planes take off and land at the airfield in Newark.
He graduated from what was then known as Vocational Tech High School on the Island, and moved to New Dorp in 1945 and to Lighthouse Hill in 1962.
For more than 25 years Mr. Poznak was chief mechanic for the appliance department at the Sears store in Port Richmond, before he went into business for himself and opened Ed's Appliance Co. out of his home, which he ran for 15 years until his retirement in the 1980s.
Mr. Poznak was remembered for his love of family, and was delighted when he became a great-great-grandfather a week ago, but he also loved flying.
Mr. Poznak got his pilot's license in 1937 and took trips all over the country in his Cessna and Piper planes, from circuits around the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty to Maine and Nashville, Tenn.
His daughter, Carolyn Barcia, recalled one night when Mr. Poznak, flying in a storm that had knocked out power to a New Jersey airfield below, landed with only the aid of headlights on a truck.
"He was just such an adventuresome person," Mrs. Barcia said. "When he was up in a plane he was like a bird, he was so happy. . . . He used to say he flew by the seat of his pants."
Mr. Poznak was a member of the Knights of Columbus, Assumption Council, and the Airplane Owners & Pilots Association. He was also a longtime parishioner and volunteer at St. Ann's R.C. Church in Dongan Hills.
Mr. Poznak was married to his Anastasia (Tszuska) for 51 years before she died in 1991. They had three children together: Two daughters and a son, William E. Poznak, who died in 1995. Nine years ago, Mr. Poznak wed Theresa Ebert, whom he'd met at a Catholic Widows and Widowers event a year earlier.
She survives him, as do his daughters, Irene E. Parisi and Carolyn C. Barcia; a brother, Charles Poznak; eight grandchildren; four great-grandchildren, and the great-great grandson born just a week ago.
The funeral will be Monday from the Matthew Funeral Home, Willowbrook, with a mass at 10 a.m. in St. Ann's Church. Burial will follow in Moravian Cemetery, New Dorp.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hey everyone- it's Brooke- I figured I'd give this a try (Plus, I'm trying to learn how to upload videos from youtube and I want to see if it works)...Justin and I have been quite busy over the last few days. We drove out to Long Island, NY on the 9th to visit my new nephew in the hospital and he is absolutely adorable!! He reminds me of a little turtle! Things are progressing well with him, they still have to do a muscle biopsy on him today, but if everything comes back normal then Chantel and Dan should be able to take him home on Monday. I'm like a crazy aunt right now...I just can't take enough pictures and give him kisses on his little're also getting ready for our cruise that's coming up in two weeks- that means working out at the gym like a mad man (gotta get abs of steel) and shopping (woohoo). We're both really excited and looking forward to getting away and can't wait to relive how we first met in Cozumel, Mexico (almost 5 years to the day)! We have shore excursions planned that include swimming with dolphins, a lazy river tube ride that flows through caves, ziplining, hiking through the jungle and tanning on the beach (of course)... ;) All I have to say is, "Bring it on!"On the upside, the weather is finally starting to turn- it hit 70 yesterday! I know, I know...that's nothing to you- but that's desert to us :) Spring is here- YAY!! Well, that's all the time I have right now...I love you all! XOXOXO!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Oh Baby!

The last week had been pretty uneventful. After forecasted temperatures in the high 50's and low 60's, we ended up with highs in the low 40's. As a result, I went to work, went to the gym and went home and watched movies. Then, on Sunday night, we went to one of our clients' son's Bar Mitzvahs. It was a big affair - it is treated almost like a wedding. There was more food than an army could eat, a band & emcee & 3 person dance team and two singers for entertainment. I lot of dancing and celebrating and we had a really good time. Then, the next morning, Brooke's niece Chantel had a C section and gave birth to her 6 lb 9 oz baby boy. Brooke and I are going to drive out to NY tomorrow to visit.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April Fools

Well, April 1 has come and gone. Luckily, nobody tried to pull any tricks on me. I had been spending the past two days getting ready for a meeting with my accountant yesterday. It is always a tense time for me because even though I have "X" number of dollars in savings, I never really know where I will stand after I pay taxes. Also, since my income fluctuates so much month to month and even year to year, I have found it challenging to set up any kind of a budget.

Sales have been down a bit but it is our slowest time of the year. I am hoping that by the time summer rolls around, the housing market, stock market, and economy in general will be doing better. I have several buyers who want to buy a home but are waiting until the "market" settles down. It made me cringe to read in the news today that the Fed chief stated that "a recession is possible." That will make almost anyone tighten their purse strings.

That being said, I must remember the rules of "The Secret" and think poisitively. For every day that passes without a sale, I am one day closer to a sale!...right?!