Saturday, October 27, 2007


I took this picture last week and thought I'd post it. It is a bit symbolic because I have been trying to think of things in my life that I hadn't been too happy with as situations about to change. Like night was going to turn to day. There is always a ray of light if you look for it. A ray of hope that good things lie ahead - regardless of current circumstances.
The real estate market had been slow and I was starting to worry about money but I thought that things had to turn around eventually. I was patient about it (sort of) but also took action. I focused on marketing and following up with leads. The result - I just sold two homes.
I also bought an investment home here which was nice. Obviously I didn't want to spend the money but it was a great deal and as the saying goes..."you've got to spend money to make money."


Anonymous said...

I just LOVE this picture AND you're current outlook on life- it's a real inspiration and a pleasant change :) I love you and can't wait to hang this one somewhere in the house- somewhere, where it can be a daily reminder of such inspiration and hope for prosperity and positivity. Keep on keeping on my love!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweat Pea,
What a beautiful picture. We are so blessed in this life. There are many who struggle who have no faith, family, health, shelter, food or basic necessities. I at times wonder what is my purpose? am i full-filling
all that God has planned for me? What are my true desires? Then I look back on my life and see that the hand of God was always there. I have been blessed with a loving family, loving friends, wonderful life experiences and sometimes painful life experiences that have taught me to reach deep within myself, to God and to others (which I call God with clothes on) I have been blessed to have been able to see how through my life experiences I have been able to help others whether, it was through being a friend to someone who needed an ear or through my career as a real estate agent being able to help another through highly emotional times. When I look at what is good in my life, I have a good day, when I look at what is bad in my life I have a bad day, So I try and look at my life's blessing and realize I never had it so Good! Your picture inspired me to write all of this. You Justin have a gift of the eye (photos) and a gift of the Heart (who you have always been as a little boy and now as a grown man).
God has blessed you, take your blessing and gifts with you and you will have a winning day!

I Love YOU,

Anonymous said...

Hi Justin and Brooke,
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the photos! What talent you have. That picture is so serene and comforting.

Just wanted to pop in and say hello to let you know that I was thinking of you......

Hugs and love from Pew

Anonymous said...

Meditation for today; This is the time for everything. We should learn to wait patiently until the right time comes. Easy does it. We waste our energies in trying to get things before we are ready to have them, before we have earned the right to receive them. A great lesson we have to learn is how to wait with patience. We can believe that all our life is a preparation for something better to come when we have earned the right to it. We can believe that God has a plan for our lives and that plan will work out in the fullness of time.

I'm looking forward to your visit home. Love, Dad

The Higgins' said...

sup brotha...check out the new blog:

Jacob, Carolyn, and Wes said...

WOW, that has got to be the longest sunrise I've ever seen. Wouldn't it be nice if the rest of life were like an early morning sunrise...well no I guess it wouldn't. We all like variety and new things, especially on family blogs. So put something new on here so we can share in what's going on.
:) Wes