Thursday, January 25, 2007


Ok, I updated my settings so that anyone (not just members) can leave a post. Thanks for letting me know mom. ;)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New look, same great taste

Well, despite my hectic schedule, I found enough time to chage the look of my blog. I hope you find it.....refreshing.

What's new

I have been really busy at work lately. Four of our listings are under negotiations and all of them seem like they will come together. One of my buyers is waiting for a signature from the sellers and they will be under contract as well. I have one buyer on the fence; trying to decide what to buy and another appointment on Sunday that looks promising. It is nice to have some things brewing. Between going to work and then the gym, I haven't been spending too much time at home. I can't rememeber the last day I had off of work. I think it was new year's eve. Hopefully I can find some free time after the weekend. I have real estate classes all day tomorrow and Thursday. Hopefully I can post again on Friday and have some actual news to share with you.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Winter wonderland

Well, as you can see, we had snow here last night. This picture was taken this morning before I went to work. Did somebody say snowball fight????

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Work has been going well. I have some buyers that I've been working with, so we'll see what pans out with them. I took some real estate courses yesterday on contracts. I feel like the more I learn in this business, the more I realize I don't know or some of the things I did know were wrong. It scares me because customers, other agents, and really anybody can bring a law suit against me, report me, fine me, etc for the strangest reasons. I just learned that if I tell a prospective buyer that a home they are considering buying is near a registered sexual predator, I can be sued , reported and fined by the real estate commission. I would do it anyway, but odd laws like that make me feel like I have to walk on eggshells with my buyers yet if you walk on eggshells, you can't really do a good job because you are spending too much time covering your ass. I'd rather do what I feel is right at the expense of possibly getting disciplined by the commission than to do things by the book at the expense of my integrity. So frustrating.

Aside from that, I don't have much else to report. Brooke's computer battery is depleted and her recharger isn't working, so until it comes in, I can only post here but I have been too busy lately to post regularly. Sorry Jon. Anyway, I love you all. Talk to you soon.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

latest update

I just sold my honda accord yesterday to Brooke's brother-in-law, Walter. He needed a reliable commuter car which it will be. It has over 200K miles on it but those cars are made to run like the energizer bunny. Plus, the first owner and myself have taken good care of it an most of the miles are freeway miles so it should last him another 50K-100K miles .

I'm getting used to my new Yukon. I must say that I really like it. I'm taking it into a GMC shop in a week because one of the 3rd row seats doesn't fold down. Stupid me for not checking everything out thoroughly. I just didn't have enough time and assumed the fact that it was GM Certified would be insurance enough. Oh well.

I have been working out more frequently lately which feels good. I am getting stronger and have been focusing on being more consistent with cardio. My goal is to run about 10 miles a week. I hope I stick to it.

Well, I gotta go for now. Work beckons.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

It's blog time!

Well, I finally have a moment to post a decent blog. I am at work and, so far, it has been quiet. I brought Brooke's camera thinking that she would have some pictures that would be good to post but no luck.

There is a picture of me witho ne of my Christmas gifts - a Timex "Ironman" digital watch. I really like it. It is one of those things that I've always wanted but never bought myself.

There is also the fun picture of me the night that brooke and I attempted to eat some king crab legs that never got eaten on XMas night (too much other food!). They were so big and had so much meat. It reminded me of the lobster that mom, dad, Brooke and I ate in Cabo San Lucas at the Trailer Park restaurant. HUGE.

Lastly, a picture taken yesterday of Lake Naomi. The weather here has been so weird. Yesterday night it was 59 degrees! In Penn. in January! Wait - let me post a picture taken around this time last year to give you a better idea....

This picture was taken in October/November. If you look closely, you can see the pumpkin on the front steps. This picture is of Brooke's mom's house.

Back to the weather. By now, we should have snow, ice, and bitter cold. By now, I would be thinking "what the heck was I thinking moving out here?!" But now with the weather like this, I almost feel like I'm in CA. I wouldn't rush to blame global warming but our planet does seem to be going through a bit of a change. I previewed a house yesterday and while walking around the yard, I saw a fly which is ood for this time of year. Also, some of the local flowers are starting to bud. I've also heard that some animals haven't hibernated yet like they are supposed to. And the strangest thing of all, I saw several guys golfing yesterday. That should only be happening in Florida this time of year. :)

I just finished reading one of the books I got for XMas - "Next" by Michael Crichton. It was really enjoyable. He is the author of "Jurassic Park" and his books have a scientific edge to them. This one incorporated recent breakthroughs in genetic reasearch that were very interesting. I'm really looking forward to reading the new Vince Flynn book I got titled "Act of Treason." Normally I would have read it by now but I wanted to wait until I could spend a lot of time reading it since I know it will be hard to put down. Jon knows what I mean (Mitch Rapp).

Anyway, I should get going. I'll post again asap.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

blog this!

Hey everybody. Thanks a lot for all of the nice comments about my new ride. I have really been enjoying it and I know it will help a lot when it really starts to snow around here. I don't have a lot of time to write this blog right now. One of my customers will be here any minute to look at some homes. I have been really busy at work the past few days which is great. I didn't think that we'd be selling homes like we are this time of year.

Becuase I have been so busy, I haven't had the time to post any new updates to our blog (sorry Jon). The only time I really do it is while I'm at work but I haven't had the down time to do so. I am trying so hard to wake up right now. I stayed up late and was getting ready to fall asleep when Brooke started having trouble breathing again so at 2:30am I took her to the E.R. (35 minutes away). She's ok, just bronchitis that won't go away. I didn't get to bed until after 5am and was lucky to get my 3 hours of sleep. That being said, my 2nd cup of coffee doesn't have me as charged up as I'd like it to. Where's a starbucks when I need one!?

Anyway, I love you all and always look forward to reading your comments to my posts. Hi Pew, Linda, Wes & Carolyn, grandpa and everyone else! And Jon, I'll look for you online as soon as I can. I'll also post more pics asap.

xo, :-/zzzzzzzzzz
