Thursday, January 25, 2007


Ok, I updated my settings so that anyone (not just members) can leave a post. Thanks for letting me know mom. ;)


Anonymous said...

Thank you. I caught Dad's cold so I am not feeling good. I will touch base with you later. I love you, Momma

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm glad I can leave a message on your blogspot now! We all miss you guys...can't wait to come visit and go snowboarding! Love to you both~

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm glad I can leave a message on your blogspot now! We all miss you guys...can't wait to come visit and go snowboarding! Love to you both~

Anonymous said...

Good Morning East coast contingent. I'm up and at it early today and thought I would drop all you all a line. Just left a post on your brothers blog (sounds like it is getting a little hot under the collar in his neck of the woods). HD Plasma is running full tilt. All I can say is WOW! I have instructed your mother not to go over board on the porn. (just kidding lulu). Looking forward to seeing you and Brooke soon. Love always, Dirk Diggler