Wednesday, November 15, 2006

We're home to visit

Well, we got into Oakland airport on Saturday night and were glad to see mom and dad. Since we've been here, we have been trying to spend as much time at home as possible. Our first full day home was spent hanging out around the house. Caitlynn and Adam as well as my sister in law Kate came over for dinner and we watched a movie called Omen. The next day was also spent laying around the house, baking cookies, and watching Cars and Mission Impossible 3 - both of them were really good. This afternoon we drove up to visit grandpa and Jan. Grandpa looks great and Jan looks like she wishes that her shoulder would heal asap.

Timber has been acclimating to the area well. He has been getting along well with Wendy and Sammy and is having a lot of fun with Jan's dog Andy. I think that her likes playing with other dogs who are as tall as he is (Andy is a datchund). Brooke leaves in a few hours for Miami. She is going to hang out with her friend Tara while I go to Tahoe with my friend Toby. I'm already looking forward to having each of us get back into town and spending Thanksgiving with mom, dad and the rest of the family. Brooke wants me to pay attention to her and not this blog so I will be back later.


Anonymous said...

Hi Justin & Brooke,

I'm having fun following your blog. It must be great to be home with family : ) We wish we were there hanging out with you all. You guys look fantastic and so happy : ) Give everyone a hug from us Please. We miss you!

Carolyn, Wes & Jacob

P.S. Your house looks great! Can't wait to see more pics!

Anonymous said...

hey bro, happy belated birthday. I miss you a lot and it was hard not getting to be there for the holidays and your birthday//know that i love you and will talk with you soon

Anonymous said...

Hi Justin & Brooke,
I am really looking forward to seeing you on Monday.

Anonymous said...

Hi luv bugs,
tonight is the your last night here and I am up at Grandpas. I am thinking of you and missing you both already. We have had a real wonderful visit and I look forward to planning our next visit together soon!!! I love you very very much. Hugs and kisses

Anonymous said...

Alright you two.....there needs to be an update to this blog!! I can only read the same one so many times and you know with Jon gone I sit online all day long waiting for something new to happen!! haha Hope ya'll had a safe trip home and you are getting all Christmas'd up!! If that makes sense...which I'm not sure it does, but you get it haha well love you both!! take care!! Kate