Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Here are some photos from our visit to Haunted Horror Nights at Universal Studios in Orlando. We went on a Thursday night thinking that there wouldn't be as many people there. WOW - were we wrong. Most of the attractions had hour-long wait times. It really would have been worth the extra money to get a pass that would have allowed us to jump ahead in line.

Nevertheless, we had a good time. We rode on some roller coasters which acutally weren't that crowded. There were several themed haunted houses but because of the wait times, we only did two. One was the Bates Motel and was done very well and the other had a potpourri of scary people from famous movies jump out at you (like Hellraiser, Jason, Scream, etc.). There were also themed areas. One was Haunted Harvest with people walking in stilts (the woman in red in one of the pictures above). Another was made to look like San Francisco with a virus that broke out and turned people into zombies (the man in the suit above). Lastly was an area with vampires and demons (both pictures with Brooke in them). Lastly, a picture of me with Brooke's friends Jasmine and Rosie.

We're leaving for New York tomorrow before we head out to CA on Saturday, so I probably won't post again until I get to CA. I just talked to Jon which was great. Jon, if you're reading this, it was nice to hear your voice - just what the doctor ordered! Much love, bro.

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