Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thanksgiving at home

It was really nice to be with my family this year for turkey day. It was a great meal as you can see by dad carving the turkey and mom sitting on the recliner after eating too much (we all did). I wish that Jonny boy could have been there but I guess that just meant there was more food for me. Mom put a picture of him up on the hutch so it kind of looked like he was there. One of aunt Linda and uncle Lynn's friends, David, celebrated T-day with us and he shared one of his family traditions - making apple turkeys. It was really fun making them. Just an apple for a body, some skewers for legs, a toothpick with a marshmallow on it for a head, cloves for eyes, toothpick with raisins for the wattle (under the chin), and toothpicks with dots candy for feathers near the tail.
Brooke cooked two dishes this year; a green bean casserole and whipped sweet potatoes with melted marshmallows on top. Both were a hit but everybody loved the sweet potatoes which became one of my favorites ever since my first Thanksgiving with Brooke's family.

Gobble, gobble, gobble.

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