Thursday, October 19, 2006

I was looking back at my previous posts and realized that I haven't really been posting pictures of Brooke and I. This is a picture from last year but until I upload all of our newer pictures onto the computer here at work, this is all I have to work with. We carved pumpkins a few nights ago, so I'll be sure to post those as well.

It's nice seeing Jon's blog. It looks like he has been very busy and learning a lot. With all of the humvee training he's getting, let's hope he never gets road rage when he gets out. Just kidding Jon, well...sort of. There isn't much new news to report here. Aside form work and fiddling around the house, I haven't been up to much. I just read a good book by Michael Crichton (author of Jurassic Park) called "State of Fear." I have really had the reading bug lately. Maybe its the change in weather or something. I just realized that Brooke and I are leaving for Florida in a few days. It will be nice to break up my daily routine and get out and have fun.

Friday, October 13, 2006

I'll be under the blanket if anybody needs me....

I have been pretty busy at work the past few days. Carolyn (Brooke's mom and my partner here at work) is on vacation in Orlando visiting her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren for a week. Its funny because whenever she leaves to go on vacation is when things get busy around here. The last time she was away, I sold two or three homes. This time, I've already sold one and have been busy following up with other things plus the week isn't over yet. I have floor duty today, so I'll be in all day which is ok because it gives me time to write this blog.

Aside from that, I have been doing some things around the house to prepare for winter. I had some firewood delivered last week and now have that all stacked and ready for use this winter. Actually, we've already been using it as the temperatures here have started to drop. Last week it was in the 60's and today it's supposed to be in the high 40's! Currently it is 34 degrees BBBRRRRRRR! Also, I had our septic tank pumped. Now there's a shitty job to have. Sometime today we're having the fireplace swept. I also have to properly insulate our crawlspace (a 4 ft. tall area under our home) so that we don't lose too much heat. Aside from that, Brooke and I would also like to paint our bedroom and finish getting it all set up. It is amazing how easy it is to spend money when you buy a home. There are so many maintenance-related things to take care of that it seems like it never ends. The next time I upload photos onto my computer, I will post some pics of our new crib so that you can see what it looks like.

Until next time, stay sunny California!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday Funday

We had Brooke's neice Chantel and her boyfriend Dan over for a couple of nights this weekend. It was nice having them over and I think Timber had a good time playing with their dogs Brandi and Kishka. Last night, we went to a haunted house which was actually a lot of fun. It is an old hotel that is 3 stories tall and has 27 themed rooms. The girls were scared and I even screamed at one point. We were in a padded room for an insane asylum. All of a sudden, the lights went out. When they came back on, a man in a straight jacket was right in front of me. Then, the lights went out again. It really put me "on edge" and made it a fun and not cheesy experience.

I must agree with Justin (as you can tell, it's Brooke)- the haunted hotel was a lot of fun and it scared the crap out of me! Justin was a little booger because there were a few times that he would try and scare me when there was nothing happening, and I have to admit that he was pretty successful. I had a really great time seeing Chantel and Dan and being able to spend some quality time with them- it's been about 4 months since I've seen them last. I think they are going to try and come back up to visit within the next few weeks and we are going to try to plan a camping trip with them (it will be my first time camping), so if everything works out I'll be able to come back on here and post how I make out as a certified camper. We'll see...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Let's catch up...

I'm sitting at work right now and it has been slow today. I thought that I was going to be a lot busier due to the holiday weekend and the beauty of the fall season here in the Poconos. I suppose everyone is outside enjoying the weather instead of looking at vacation homes. It really is pretty right now. Fall has become my second favorite season here (second to summer, of course). I'll see if I can find a picture to post so that you can see what I mean. It's like a post card when I drive by the lake.

I am really looking forward to the next several weeks. The last week of October, Brooke and I are flying to Orlando to visit our friends Jasmine & Rosie as well as Brooke's sister and her family. We already bought tickets to go to Universal Studio's "Halloween Horror Nights" which looks like it will be a blast ( About a week and a half after we return, we're going out to visit my parents in CA for 3 1/2 weeks!!! I am so very, very fortunate to have the means to do all of this. What I've found with real estate is that when its busy - it is busy. So, when it slows down, I really like to take advantage of it and get away. With all of our upcoming plans, I should have plenty of fun things to post!

Well, I had better go so that I have things to blog about tomorrow. BYE!!!!

First post

Thank you for visiting Justin & Brooke's blog. While the creation of this site was prompted as a way to keep in touch with my brother Jon who is in the Air Force and will soon be going to that big sandy beach without water (aka Iraq), I hope that it will allow me to keep in touch with other family members and friends as well.

I plan on using this site as a digital diary that everyone can peek into whenever they want to know how I'm doing or what's going on in my life. I plan on posting pictures, notes, thoughts, etc. Who knows how it will morph as time goes on. As long as it gives Jon a sense of being here and knowing whats going on with me and my life to the same extent that his blog allows me to do so with his, I will be happy.

This one is for you, Jonny boy.