Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday Funday

We had Brooke's neice Chantel and her boyfriend Dan over for a couple of nights this weekend. It was nice having them over and I think Timber had a good time playing with their dogs Brandi and Kishka. Last night, we went to a haunted house which was actually a lot of fun. It is an old hotel that is 3 stories tall and has 27 themed rooms. The girls were scared and I even screamed at one point. We were in a padded room for an insane asylum. All of a sudden, the lights went out. When they came back on, a man in a straight jacket was right in front of me. Then, the lights went out again. It really put me "on edge" and made it a fun and not cheesy experience.

I must agree with Justin (as you can tell, it's Brooke)- the haunted hotel was a lot of fun and it scared the crap out of me! Justin was a little booger because there were a few times that he would try and scare me when there was nothing happening, and I have to admit that he was pretty successful. I had a really great time seeing Chantel and Dan and being able to spend some quality time with them- it's been about 4 months since I've seen them last. I think they are going to try and come back up to visit within the next few weeks and we are going to try to plan a camping trip with them (it will be my first time camping), so if everything works out I'll be able to come back on here and post how I make out as a certified camper. We'll see...

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