Saturday, October 07, 2006

First post

Thank you for visiting Justin & Brooke's blog. While the creation of this site was prompted as a way to keep in touch with my brother Jon who is in the Air Force and will soon be going to that big sandy beach without water (aka Iraq), I hope that it will allow me to keep in touch with other family members and friends as well.

I plan on using this site as a digital diary that everyone can peek into whenever they want to know how I'm doing or what's going on in my life. I plan on posting pictures, notes, thoughts, etc. Who knows how it will morph as time goes on. As long as it gives Jon a sense of being here and knowing whats going on with me and my life to the same extent that his blog allows me to do so with his, I will be happy.

This one is for you, Jonny boy.

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