Friday, August 29, 2008

We're Engaged!!!

Well everyone- it's finally happened! Justin proposed last night and I accepted! It's been a long time coming but I'll take it. I must admit that I couldn't be happier- the man, the ring, the family, the love. I think the best part (besides it actually happening) has been everyones reaction to the's been pretty consistent...the first reaction is "Finally!" followed by an overwhelming squeal of "Oh my god- I can't believe it!" Lol... Well, I guess Grandpa and Pop-pop have been working their magic in more ways then one... We love you all so much and thank you for sharing our happy news with us!


Jacob, Carolyn, and Wes said...

Congratulations you guys! Finally is an appropriate reaction, but in the end, there's no timing like God's timing. We're all very happy for you both.

Christianne and Corey said...

Congratulations! I think Carolyn said it best. Although Justin comes pretty close, God's timing IS perfect. I'm so excited for you to join our family, Brooke!

See you guys in a week!

GranMaCta said...

Congrats to you both! And all of the above comments along with one question. Who is gonna be the MC at YOUR wedding????? I think Wes and Adam are gonna owe ya some favors!

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