Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hey everyone! It's Brooke and Justin writing this one together this time! Boy- it's been a crazy summer...which surprised the both of us, actually, because it started out REALLY slow, especially when it comes to the topic of work. Justin was pretty worried when he hadn't made a sale in almost a year but Grandpa Joe and Pop-pop must be looking out for us because he's had a boom in sales recently; he's got 6 deals going right now and is on the verge of having 2 more in the works! Thank the heavens! I guess we won't have to eat Timber and Tika to get!

Needless to say, with all the work we've been doing, we haven't had a lot of time to enjoy the summer...Although, we did do a couple of fun things...We took a hike down to this area called Bushkill Falls- that was a great day...the weather was beautiful, the scenery was breathtaking, and we had great company (Brooke's mom, two sisters and their kids were with us). We swam under a waterfall and picked blueberries. Another fun day was when, Justin's friend Greg came out from Seattle with his girlfriend, Jordan, and we went to a Yankee's game out in the Bronx; they have a beautiful stadium; We ate hot dogs and fries and had lots of laughs. The next day we met back up with them in Manhattan and did a really nice dinner in the meat packing district and spent the night walking around town and taking in the sights. Another fun thing we did this summer was when we threw an engagement party for Brooke's friends at our house. We had our bonfire going and we played some good old fashioned games like manhunt and jackpot bingo. We both lost but that's ok :)

Those were some of the highlights of our summer...Nothing crazy but it was fun. We're just keeping busy and plugging away. We're looking forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks and are anticipating our time away from the office. We'll post more soon! Love you all!

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