Saturday, October 27, 2007


I took this picture last week and thought I'd post it. It is a bit symbolic because I have been trying to think of things in my life that I hadn't been too happy with as situations about to change. Like night was going to turn to day. There is always a ray of light if you look for it. A ray of hope that good things lie ahead - regardless of current circumstances.
The real estate market had been slow and I was starting to worry about money but I thought that things had to turn around eventually. I was patient about it (sort of) but also took action. I focused on marketing and following up with leads. The result - I just sold two homes.
I also bought an investment home here which was nice. Obviously I didn't want to spend the money but it was a great deal and as the saying goes..."you've got to spend money to make money."

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Work has been crazy lately. I was supposed to have today off but have too many things going that aren't very concrete at the moment. It is an odd real estate market right now in that sellers aren't willing to sell for a low price and buyers ask for the world and will quickly walk away if they don't get what they want. It has taken quite a bit of effort to keep some of my transactions scotch-taped together.

I suppose it is a good problem to have. Other than that, things are cruising along. Still trying to decide what we're going to do for Halloween and looking forward to our CA visit. About amonth from now, Brooke and I are going to Connecticut for an overnight stay. The comedian Howie Mandel who is hilarious will be out at a casino performing so we're going to go check him out.

Glad that Jon will be heading home. I hope he gets here in time for his b-day!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

FINALLY - a new post

Here are some pictures of the lake and our home. Fall is in full swing here and it is beautiful. Since Brooke and I will be in California for most of December and won't be decorating the house for Christmas, I went crazy with the Halloween decorations. Yes, I did most of it myself. Brooke has me watching too many Martha Stewart shows............