Saturday, October 13, 2007

FINALLY - a new post

Here are some pictures of the lake and our home. Fall is in full swing here and it is beautiful. Since Brooke and I will be in California for most of December and won't be decorating the house for Christmas, I went crazy with the Halloween decorations. Yes, I did most of it myself. Brooke has me watching too many Martha Stewart shows............


Anonymous said...

Your decorations look great! I sure miss you guys. I can't wait to have you here. I leave tomorrow for Montana with Kate. I will call you when I get home.
I love YOU.

Jacob, Carolyn, and Wes said...

Wow! You guys must be pretty busy. Thanks for the update.

I'm amazed Justin! You can come over anytime and help me decorate :) Your house looks beautiful.

Anonymous said...

The picture of the lake from the dock is spectacular.....I can't wait to go fishing with you next summer. See you in a few weeks, Love Dad

Anonymous said...

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