Sunday, May 27, 2007's time to vote!!!!!!!!!

I took pictures of both countertop options in different lights. It's so hard to capture their "true" colors but here you go. Let us know what you think.

Option 1
Option 1

Option 2

Option 2

Compare - Option 2 on left and Option 1 on right

Side by side comparison

Our new bench.


Jacob, Carolyn, and Wes said...

I like option 1 best :)

Jacob, Carolyn, and Wes said...

P.S. Nice bench. Your place is looking so nice!

Anonymous said...

Dad and I vote for option 1. They are both nice. Nice poem that you posted. I love you and can't wait to love ya up. :) See ya in 30 days.
Much hugs and kisses,

AF Soldier said...

i say to go with option #1 as well. It matches better. you brother.