Tuesday, February 20, 2007

BACK to it

Sorry for the delay in posting to the blog again. I had some technical difficultuies (mainly myself). One day, I brought the camera but the wrong USB cord to connect it to the computer, another day I brought the wrong camera, and then two days ago I threw my back out so I wasn't at work to upload the photos. I was shoveling snow from our 12 inches of snowfall on Valentine's day and really wore out my back because 6 inches of the snow had become ice. Very heavy. Like a dummy, I then went to the gym and tried to do squats.

After two days on the couch with a heating pad and some vicodin, I'm starting to feel better. I have been getting cabin fever lately from spending too much time indoors, so to be stuck at home any longer was driving me crazy. i figured I'd come to work to check emails and to finally post pictures from the snow storm. Here you go...

The pictures don't do a great job of showing how much snow fell, but it was a lot. Part of the snowfall was icy snow, so now my roof has about 4 inches of solid ice on it with 1 or 2 inches of snow on top of that. Until the snow plower came to plow, I was stuck. Even with my suv, the snow was just too deep to get out. It looks like the weather is starting to warm, so hopefully the "ice age" here will end soon.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

it's raining, it's snowing

It has been relatively warm over the past couple of days. As a result, most of the snow has been melting which has been great because that means that spring time is near. All of that is currently in the process of changing, however. It began snowing this afternoon and isn't expected to stop until sometime tomorrow night. When all is said and done, the meteorologists predict that we will have had anywhere from 10 to 24 inches of snowfall!!! Can you believe that!?

I suppose that means that Brooke and I will be snowed in for Valentine's Day. Good thing we went out last night. We went to dinner at a local sushi place and then saw a movie called "Night at the Museum" with Ben Stiller and Robin Williams. It was actually a really good movie and we enjoyed it a lot. I haven't worked much over the past 2 days which has been nice. With all of the snow tomorrow, I don't plan on going into work again which means that I'll have a lot to catch up on when I go back in on Thursday.

I have something nice planned for my love tomorrow. I am excited to see her reaction to my gift(s)? P.S. She is watching me type this so I have to be careful not to give her too many insights to what it or they are because she is a clever little thing. Lets just say that I will be granted a few "get out of jail" passes as a result. Oh, yes, I think so. lol.

Well, I will probably post more tomorrow. After all, I need to update you on what I got her or else you'll be checking out our website every hour - sweating with anticipation...right?

XOxoxOxoXXOOxoXOxx (see the movie Nacho Libre to understand the joke behind this)


Monday, February 12, 2007


Yep, I'm still sharing a desk with Carolyn. its not that bad unless both of us either need to use the computer or the phone. I'm glad you noticedTimber expression shows that his on line gambling habit is getting out of hand. He bet a thousand bones on the Bears and lost. He;s been pretty grumpy.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

things and stuff and whatnot

I was busy this week at work. I helped secure my first listing. Carolyn had them ready to sign but they had some concerns so while she was in Long Island visiting family, I went over and talked with them. I had a sales appointment yesterday and another one today. Next weekend (President's weekend) should be really busy because of the extended weekend.

I created a blog for my customers to let them know about new listings before they get entered into our system. It is: http://lakenaomi.blogspot.com

It is simple but has been effective so far. I really like the home titled "chalet" that is reddish brown. For some reason, it reminds me of grandpa's cabin in Grass Valley and is the kind of small place in the mountains that I wouldn't mind owning if I needed one.

I was leaving for work yesterday and saw three deer standing around about 15 feet away. I think people have been feeding them because they weren't too scared of me.

It hasn't been as cold here over the past couple of days (thank god). Other than that, I have just been laying low. The temperatures really dissuade you from wanting to get out and do things. Good thing I have become a good couch potato. :) just kidding.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Super Bowl Party

Here are some pictures from the super bowl party I had at the house. Although Timber was my only guest, I think mom and dad have some competition in the S-Bowl party bash arena. Although we were disappointed that "da bears" lost, we had a good time eating the infamous guac dip and TGI Fridays appetizers.
Before I uploaded these pictures, I figured I would take a picture of my office here at work. That way, Jon can see how I roll. :)

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Where The Wild Things Are

Well, I finally took some pictures for the blog. I was glad that I recharged my batteries because as I was driving to look at a home, I came across a group of turkeys - about 20 of them. Then, this morning as I was making coffee, a young deer was walking through our back yard so I played papparazzi and took some photos of him. Also, I took one of Timber. He wasn't a happy camper because he was getting snowed on while I tried to snap a shot of him. He ran under my truck to avoid getting snowed on. I guess he prefers warm weather like me.

Friday, February 02, 2007

I tried taking some pictures today since I haven't posted any in a while but my batteries were dead. It has been relatively cold but looks to get much colder with some snow over the next couple of days. Nothing exciting has happened recently with the exception of a funny story when Brooke, her parents and I were out to dinner a couple of night ago. A bat managed to fly into the restaurant and was flying around trying to escape. Everybody was ducking and diving trying to avoid it and the manager was running around with a table cloth trying to capture it. I think they eventually did, but not before we had a good laugh about it.

Hopefully I can get my camera to work and take some pictures for tomorrow.