Saturday, February 03, 2007

Where The Wild Things Are

Well, I finally took some pictures for the blog. I was glad that I recharged my batteries because as I was driving to look at a home, I came across a group of turkeys - about 20 of them. Then, this morning as I was making coffee, a young deer was walking through our back yard so I played papparazzi and took some photos of him. Also, I took one of Timber. He wasn't a happy camper because he was getting snowed on while I tried to snap a shot of him. He ran under my truck to avoid getting snowed on. I guess he prefers warm weather like me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, love the pictures! I am happy to see you posting more pictures on your blog. Too bad you didn't get one with the bat :) It looks cold in your neck of the woods. It is suppose to be in the 70's tomorrow, I am looking forward to some sun. I Love You, your Momma