Sunday, February 11, 2007

things and stuff and whatnot

I was busy this week at work. I helped secure my first listing. Carolyn had them ready to sign but they had some concerns so while she was in Long Island visiting family, I went over and talked with them. I had a sales appointment yesterday and another one today. Next weekend (President's weekend) should be really busy because of the extended weekend.

I created a blog for my customers to let them know about new listings before they get entered into our system. It is:

It is simple but has been effective so far. I really like the home titled "chalet" that is reddish brown. For some reason, it reminds me of grandpa's cabin in Grass Valley and is the kind of small place in the mountains that I wouldn't mind owning if I needed one.

I was leaving for work yesterday and saw three deer standing around about 15 feet away. I think people have been feeding them because they weren't too scared of me.

It hasn't been as cold here over the past couple of days (thank god). Other than that, I have just been laying low. The temperatures really dissuade you from wanting to get out and do things. Good thing I have become a good couch potato. :) just kidding.

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