Saturday, January 13, 2007

latest update

I just sold my honda accord yesterday to Brooke's brother-in-law, Walter. He needed a reliable commuter car which it will be. It has over 200K miles on it but those cars are made to run like the energizer bunny. Plus, the first owner and myself have taken good care of it an most of the miles are freeway miles so it should last him another 50K-100K miles .

I'm getting used to my new Yukon. I must say that I really like it. I'm taking it into a GMC shop in a week because one of the 3rd row seats doesn't fold down. Stupid me for not checking everything out thoroughly. I just didn't have enough time and assumed the fact that it was GM Certified would be insurance enough. Oh well.

I have been working out more frequently lately which feels good. I am getting stronger and have been focusing on being more consistent with cardio. My goal is to run about 10 miles a week. I hope I stick to it.

Well, I gotta go for now. Work beckons.


Anonymous said...

Daddy O checkin in and checkin you out. Keep on bloggin....what did the Honda fetch you?

Chillin on the left coast, Love Dad

Justin&Brooke said...

I sold the honda for $1600. According to Kelly Blue Book, the private party retail was $3500 in "good" condition. Both front window motors were shot so once you rolled them down, it was dicey getting them up. I also needed new rotors. When I broke hard, the steering wheel shimmied like crazy.

The trade-in value at a dealership was $1600. I figured that by selling it to him now, even at a low price, I was avoiding paying insurance on it until I sold it, re-registering it when that was due next month, having to worry about the cold weather affecting it since I wouldn't be driving it, and having it sit until I found a buyer.

It went to a good home so I'm not worrying about the potential loss of profit. I'm glad to have one less thing to worry about and he now has reliable transportation.