Wednesday, January 03, 2007

blog this!

Hey everybody. Thanks a lot for all of the nice comments about my new ride. I have really been enjoying it and I know it will help a lot when it really starts to snow around here. I don't have a lot of time to write this blog right now. One of my customers will be here any minute to look at some homes. I have been really busy at work the past few days which is great. I didn't think that we'd be selling homes like we are this time of year.

Becuase I have been so busy, I haven't had the time to post any new updates to our blog (sorry Jon). The only time I really do it is while I'm at work but I haven't had the down time to do so. I am trying so hard to wake up right now. I stayed up late and was getting ready to fall asleep when Brooke started having trouble breathing again so at 2:30am I took her to the E.R. (35 minutes away). She's ok, just bronchitis that won't go away. I didn't get to bed until after 5am and was lucky to get my 3 hours of sleep. That being said, my 2nd cup of coffee doesn't have me as charged up as I'd like it to. Where's a starbucks when I need one!?

Anyway, I love you all and always look forward to reading your comments to my posts. Hi Pew, Linda, Wes & Carolyn, grandpa and everyone else! And Jon, I'll look for you online as soon as I can. I'll also post more pics asap.

xo, :-/zzzzzzzzzz



Anonymous said...

Ha! Now I left u a comment too. I love u both, catch ya on the flip side.

Anonymous said...

Hey Justin. Thanks for all your posts. We enjoy reading your blog. It's nice to see what you both are up to. We are moving back to CA in 3 weeks and can't wait to see you guys on your next trip out! Give Brooke a hug from me. Love you both.