Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Well, another Christmas has come and gone. We didn't have a white Christmas this year although it did snow for about an hour on Xmas day. The picture with the snow is from today in our backyard.
I wanted to include some pictures of the food we ate on Xmas eve and night. Bill who is Brooke's bro-in-law is in the picture above cutting the 18 lb. prime rib we ate for dinner on Xmas night. The evening before he made a pasta dish with lobster and shrimp, shrimp parmigian, and clam shells stuffed with stuffing and clam. It was all very good.

I was so busy taking pictures that I didn't get any of myself. I'll have to wait until I get other pictures downloaded. There were so many presents when we arrived at carolyn's house on Christmas morning. There literally wasn't enough room for everyone to sit. This made the kids happy though which was part of the fun.

I got some cool gifts this year; a new water and shock resistant watch to wear when I workout, an Apple iPod shuffle (about the size of a quarter), and two books that I really wanted. Brooke got a digital camera, dvd's and more Pottery Barn gift certificates. Yikes.

I'm already looking forward to next year's Xmas with Jon and the rest of the family in Ca.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Justin,
I think you got lucky this year. I hear it's a mild winter so far with very little snow. Your house looks so festive! Great job : ) Hi to Brooke!
