Friday, December 15, 2006

Last days in Cali

Near the end of our visit in CA, Brooke and I went to Stinson Beach for the day. It is a really nice beach. The weather was great and Timber seemed to have a good time during his first visit to the ocean. It was hilarious watching him run away from the waves each time they came in. We collected sand dollars and seashells and just enjoyed walking along the beach. The tide was out and there was a really thin layer of water where the ocean level normally is, so it was neat to walk that far out into the sea (see Brooke's picture). When we were odne, we et up with mom and dad for dinner and a movie. That was a nice day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey brotherman, i hope all is well around penn during the holidays. I have been super busy with all going on at work. things are crazy and definetly change ur perspective..give me ur aim or yhoo messanger if u have one so we can chat love u a lot