Thursday, November 02, 2006

The pictures I posted in my last blog were of the inside of our house. It is coming along nicely, thanks to Brooke. We still have a lot to do, but we're pretty much at the point where nothing requires immediate attention except for getting some blinds/curtains for the living room windows. I'm sure we'll stay busy this winter doing things around the house since winter slows me down a lot at work.

My godmother Pew asked me to post another picture of the fall season up here, so here is a fall picture that I took a few weeks ago. Look out Ansel Adams. Now, all of the leaves are pretty much down but it is still pretty in its own way. Well, I should get home. I uploaded all of our photos, so I will be able to post a lot of them over the next several days. Bye 'til then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Thank you for another fall scene. Is your house on the lake? You and Brooke certainly have done well for yourselves. You have a beautiful home! I'll be looking forward to the picture of you knee deep in snow : )