Friday, October 13, 2006

I'll be under the blanket if anybody needs me....

I have been pretty busy at work the past few days. Carolyn (Brooke's mom and my partner here at work) is on vacation in Orlando visiting her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren for a week. Its funny because whenever she leaves to go on vacation is when things get busy around here. The last time she was away, I sold two or three homes. This time, I've already sold one and have been busy following up with other things plus the week isn't over yet. I have floor duty today, so I'll be in all day which is ok because it gives me time to write this blog.

Aside from that, I have been doing some things around the house to prepare for winter. I had some firewood delivered last week and now have that all stacked and ready for use this winter. Actually, we've already been using it as the temperatures here have started to drop. Last week it was in the 60's and today it's supposed to be in the high 40's! Currently it is 34 degrees BBBRRRRRRR! Also, I had our septic tank pumped. Now there's a shitty job to have. Sometime today we're having the fireplace swept. I also have to properly insulate our crawlspace (a 4 ft. tall area under our home) so that we don't lose too much heat. Aside from that, Brooke and I would also like to paint our bedroom and finish getting it all set up. It is amazing how easy it is to spend money when you buy a home. There are so many maintenance-related things to take care of that it seems like it never ends. The next time I upload photos onto my computer, I will post some pics of our new crib so that you can see what it looks like.

Until next time, stay sunny California!


AF Soldier said...

Hey Justin and Brooke...just dropping a line to say I love you both. I finished a four day advanced humvee school today and have a little bit of down time. I thought I would write to let you both know that I am thinking of you guys. Kate is doing well, adjusting to life outside montana and away from me. I love you both.

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