Thursday, October 19, 2006

I was looking back at my previous posts and realized that I haven't really been posting pictures of Brooke and I. This is a picture from last year but until I upload all of our newer pictures onto the computer here at work, this is all I have to work with. We carved pumpkins a few nights ago, so I'll be sure to post those as well.

It's nice seeing Jon's blog. It looks like he has been very busy and learning a lot. With all of the humvee training he's getting, let's hope he never gets road rage when he gets out. Just kidding Jon, well...sort of. There isn't much new news to report here. Aside form work and fiddling around the house, I haven't been up to much. I just read a good book by Michael Crichton (author of Jurassic Park) called "State of Fear." I have really had the reading bug lately. Maybe its the change in weather or something. I just realized that Brooke and I are leaving for Florida in a few days. It will be nice to break up my daily routine and get out and have fun.


Anonymous said...

Hi here,
I just went on the shockleys blogspot and saw pictures of little Jacob. He is sooooo cute.
I love him already, I just want to kiss him to pieces. Dad and are going to a pumpkin carving party on the 29th. We will have to compare pictures. You guys blew us out of the water last year with your carvings, so the challange is on.:) Love mom

Anonymous said...

Sounds like ya'll are doing great!! I leave in a few days for good ol' texas to see Jon, SO EXCITED!!! I just want to scream!! haha Anyways stay warm out there, I miss the snow!! Take care and hope lifes treating ya fantastically!!

Anonymous said...

Hey folks, hope all is going well. I think about you guys all the time. once I get situated and what not hopefully we all can get a yahoo account or something so we can text. I know mom is going to get a webcam so we can chat and stuff while I am gone. I love you guys a lot. take care.