Tuesday, August 14, 2007

picture time

Here are some long overdue pictures. Some are of Brooke and I playing golf and the others are from when mom & dad were out visiting.


Jacob, Carolyn, and Wes said...

Thanks guys for the update. I'm glad you're keeping busy :) Looks like you're having fun, too. I didn't know you both played golf? Yea for picture posts!

Anonymous said...

Nice looking golf swing Tiger! Brooke looks like she is ready to go on the PGA tour. I'm looking forward to our next visit. Love always, Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Love bugs,
Can't wait to see you. Upgrade your blog.
Hugs and Kisses,
Your Momma

Christianne and Corey said...

You guys look like you're doing so good out there! I am so happy for you! Miss and love ya!