Tuesday, August 14, 2007

picture time

Here are some long overdue pictures. Some are of Brooke and I playing golf and the others are from when mom & dad were out visiting.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I've been a bad, bad blogger

Things have been so crazy lately that I haven't had much time for tending to this site which isn't very cool of me. I realized that I ony posted twice last month and this will be the first blog in August. "Get it together, man!"

Work has been steady which is good. I haven't been selling homes at the rate I did last year, so I really have to start budgeting since the bank acocunts are slowly dwindling. That being said, I have been fortunate to have some things going on business-wise that are promising. I had my friend, Toby, out last weekend and it ended up being very busy around here. We had fun though. He had never been to the east coast so I showed him around New York City which was nice. A great thing I discovered which I wish I did when mom & dad visited out here was the double decker buses. You pay about $40 per person and an open-air bus takes you around all of the highlights of the city. It stops at all of the attractions and you can hop off, see what you want, then catch the next bus that comes around and keep going. A great way of seeing the city!

Well, I've got to go. bye for now.......