Friday, June 08, 2007

who knew - no new news

I keep forgetting to bring Brooke's camera to work with me and it has all of the new pictures we've taken. This past Monday we went to a Phillies baseball game which was a lot of fun. We had pretty good seats and the ball field was beautiful. After the game, we got the opportunity to walk on the baseball field which I thought was really cool.

Work has been a little slow but I feel it is the calm before the storm. I think in a month's time I will be a lot busier. Brooke and I are waiting for an installation date for our new cabinets which is holding us up because we can't order the countertops, flooring, or appliances until we know what is going on. It has been a little frsutrating because I've had a hard time getting certain contractors to call me back. It happens a lot more often up here than I'd like.

Anyway, I'll post new pictures as soon as I can......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet pea,

Thank you for updating your blog :)
I am counting the days until I will be holding all of you in my arms. wooo hooo :) I just got back from another motor cycle ride with some friends. (dad is out of town) We took the back roads into Livermore. It was a beautiful ride. I am going to the movies tonight with the girls to see knocked up. it is suppose to be a real funny movie.
Tomorrow I am holding an open house on one of my listings, so today I play. Well gotta go just wanted to say Hi and that I love you both very muCh,
Hugs and kisses,