Wednesday, May 02, 2007

more pictures

Well, I figured that since I haven't posted in a while, I'd try to load a lot of pictures. Most of these are from our visit to cali while Jon was home. There is also a picture of the (soon to be) newest addition to our family - Brooke's pomeranian puppy. She is 7 months old and weighs just 3.4 lbs. Brooke is going to fly to Florida to pick her up in a week and she can hardly wait. Timber will soon have a little sister & someone to play with besides me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Justin,
I just love the pictures. Congratulations on your new little member of the family. I think she takes after our side ;) I am sure Timber will let her know who is boss.
anyway, just wanted to say I Love Ya,
Hugs and Kisses,

AF Soldier said...

Hey Abu Timber, "Father of Timber"...i like the updates. Keep em coming. I just wanted to show my love and what not. Cant wait to see u in a few short months.

Love, Jon.

Jacob, Carolyn, and Wes said...

Thanks for the pic spam post. Love em! We pic lifted one of your photos for our blogspot. Hope you don't mind. Can't wait to see posts of your babies together :)