Friday, April 27, 2007


Well, I've been back for almost a week now and with everything going on at work, it seems like the vacation was a month ago. We all had a great time and ate way too much food. We cruised the southern caribbean on Princess cruise line's "Crown Princess." The ship was only 1 year old and could handle over 3,000 passengers. I think when Jon gets back, I'll have to take him and Kate on a cruise so that Jon can get far, far away from the desert. Better to be sea sick than in the midst of a sand storm is what I always say.
We flew into San Juan, Puerto Rico then visited St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Grenada, Bonaire, and Aruba before returning to P.R. Brooke has most of the pictures on her camera, so i only posted the good ones I took on mine. The pic of Brooke standing in the water was taken in St. Thomas before we sailed to St. John's on a day sail. There is also a picture of Brooke and mom jet skiing in St. Kitts. Lastly, a group shot in the pier at St. Kitts.
I'll bring Brooke's camera to work so I can upload more pics and post them to the site. Work beckons, so I'll post again soon......


Jacob, Carolyn, and Wes said...

Oh. It looks like you guys had so much fun. Thanks for posting the pics. I've been waiting for them :) I'm sure you have loads of work to catch up on, Justin :) We miss and love you both. Hugs and kisses to you

Anonymous said...

Justin, I'm in Cedar Rapids on Business and decided to check you out. And yes it seems like we took vacation months ago. I love you very much and I'm already looking forward to our trip to the Poconos.
Love, Dad