Thursday, March 29, 2007

They're Baaaacccckkkkkkkk

After taking a blog-postin hiatus, I figured I should start posting again so Jon and family can keep tabs on us.The lovely Ms. Brooke has been doing well. I got her to join the gym with me yesterday so that we can get in shape for the cruise. Well, she doesn't need to but I will benefit from it. When I got home from visiting Jon, I found a crack in my windshield. I got that repaired yesterday and took some time to finish my taxes. I meet with my accountant on Sunday.

Work has been steady which is par for the course this time of year. I have some things brewing, so we'll see what happens with that. I have some pictures from the trip, so I'll post them now before I forget.

The weather here is getting more bearable. The snow is melting quick and the sun is shining more which is great as far as I'm concerned. Check out these February 14th and March 27th photos to see the difference.

I finally made my first investment. I bought into the Selected American Shares mutual fund which is really exciting. I will probably also invest in the Dodge & Cox International fund as well. I did tons of research and both got good reviews, so hopefully I will be pleased with my investments as time goes on.
I can' t think of much else to write about at the moment, so I'll go for now and talk to you later.


Anonymous said...

Justin, I just got done checking out your brothers blog to find yours updated as well. The pics are great. I'm also preparing for the trip, I'm down to 176 lbs. yeah baby! More work to do, looking forward to our trip. Lot's of love to Brooke, Timber and you too. Love always, Pops

Anonymous said...

Hi Love bug,
It is time to update you blog :)
I Love you to pieces,