Tuesday, February 13, 2007

it's raining, it's snowing

It has been relatively warm over the past couple of days. As a result, most of the snow has been melting which has been great because that means that spring time is near. All of that is currently in the process of changing, however. It began snowing this afternoon and isn't expected to stop until sometime tomorrow night. When all is said and done, the meteorologists predict that we will have had anywhere from 10 to 24 inches of snowfall!!! Can you believe that!?

I suppose that means that Brooke and I will be snowed in for Valentine's Day. Good thing we went out last night. We went to dinner at a local sushi place and then saw a movie called "Night at the Museum" with Ben Stiller and Robin Williams. It was actually a really good movie and we enjoyed it a lot. I haven't worked much over the past 2 days which has been nice. With all of the snow tomorrow, I don't plan on going into work again which means that I'll have a lot to catch up on when I go back in on Thursday.

I have something nice planned for my love tomorrow. I am excited to see her reaction to my gift(s)? P.S. She is watching me type this so I have to be careful not to give her too many insights to what it or they are because she is a clever little thing. Lets just say that I will be granted a few "get out of jail" passes as a result. Oh, yes, I think so. lol.

Well, I will probably post more tomorrow. After all, I need to update you on what I got her or else you'll be checking out our website every hour - sweating with anticipation...right?

XOxoxOxoXXOOxoXOxx (see the movie Nacho Libre to understand the joke behind this)



Anonymous said...

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. I wanted to send all my chicks an e card but my computer is getting old and is acting up :( It was wonderful talking to you this morning, have a wonderful day with your sweet heart and my love to you both. Love, your momma

Anonymous said...

hey bro, long time since i talked to you. Im glad to see u are doing good. office looks dirty, yoou need to hire a maid. cant wait to see you. love you, jon.