Tuesday, February 20, 2007

BACK to it

Sorry for the delay in posting to the blog again. I had some technical difficultuies (mainly myself). One day, I brought the camera but the wrong USB cord to connect it to the computer, another day I brought the wrong camera, and then two days ago I threw my back out so I wasn't at work to upload the photos. I was shoveling snow from our 12 inches of snowfall on Valentine's day and really wore out my back because 6 inches of the snow had become ice. Very heavy. Like a dummy, I then went to the gym and tried to do squats.

After two days on the couch with a heating pad and some vicodin, I'm starting to feel better. I have been getting cabin fever lately from spending too much time indoors, so to be stuck at home any longer was driving me crazy. i figured I'd come to work to check emails and to finally post pictures from the snow storm. Here you go...

The pictures don't do a great job of showing how much snow fell, but it was a lot. Part of the snowfall was icy snow, so now my roof has about 4 inches of solid ice on it with 1 or 2 inches of snow on top of that. Until the snow plower came to plow, I was stuck. Even with my suv, the snow was just too deep to get out. It looks like the weather is starting to warm, so hopefully the "ice age" here will end soon.


Anonymous said...

Well son, sorry to hear that the family weekness (bad back)is haunting you again. No worries there is help for and life after this condition. Pilates & my latest trick (self induced spinal adjustements) have me living pain free! The pictures speak for themselves...yikes! I hope it warms up soon for you. I was just down the street from you and Brooke the other day (Atlanta,GA) did you hear me calling your name? Looking way forward to you two coming back home. Love always, Dad

Anonymous said...

Wow and to think I thought it was cold here. I got a call from Jon tonight :) It was so good to hear his voice. I can't wait until all my chicks are home. I Love you and I am looking forward to having you all in my arms soon!
Love your Momma