Saturday, January 06, 2007

It's blog time!

Well, I finally have a moment to post a decent blog. I am at work and, so far, it has been quiet. I brought Brooke's camera thinking that she would have some pictures that would be good to post but no luck.

There is a picture of me witho ne of my Christmas gifts - a Timex "Ironman" digital watch. I really like it. It is one of those things that I've always wanted but never bought myself.

There is also the fun picture of me the night that brooke and I attempted to eat some king crab legs that never got eaten on XMas night (too much other food!). They were so big and had so much meat. It reminded me of the lobster that mom, dad, Brooke and I ate in Cabo San Lucas at the Trailer Park restaurant. HUGE.

Lastly, a picture taken yesterday of Lake Naomi. The weather here has been so weird. Yesterday night it was 59 degrees! In Penn. in January! Wait - let me post a picture taken around this time last year to give you a better idea....

This picture was taken in October/November. If you look closely, you can see the pumpkin on the front steps. This picture is of Brooke's mom's house.

Back to the weather. By now, we should have snow, ice, and bitter cold. By now, I would be thinking "what the heck was I thinking moving out here?!" But now with the weather like this, I almost feel like I'm in CA. I wouldn't rush to blame global warming but our planet does seem to be going through a bit of a change. I previewed a house yesterday and while walking around the yard, I saw a fly which is ood for this time of year. Also, some of the local flowers are starting to bud. I've also heard that some animals haven't hibernated yet like they are supposed to. And the strangest thing of all, I saw several guys golfing yesterday. That should only be happening in Florida this time of year. :)

I just finished reading one of the books I got for XMas - "Next" by Michael Crichton. It was really enjoyable. He is the author of "Jurassic Park" and his books have a scientific edge to them. This one incorporated recent breakthroughs in genetic reasearch that were very interesting. I'm really looking forward to reading the new Vince Flynn book I got titled "Act of Treason." Normally I would have read it by now but I wanted to wait until I could spend a lot of time reading it since I know it will be hard to put down. Jon knows what I mean (Mitch Rapp).

Anyway, I should get going. I'll post again asap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you both!!! Love the crab leg picture!

Just wanted to say hi while I was surfing the net. I hope Brooke is recovering from her bronchitis. That stuff can hang on forever.

That's some ride ya got there!

Love to you,